Kemi Birthjoy Johnson

| Birthkeeper | Birth Educator | Birth Activist |

I am your antidote to the grooming of the maternity system.


β€œBirth should be a natural event that occasionally needs medical help, not a medical event that occasionally happens naturally.”

β€” KBJ



Are you serving women & families to your fullest capacity?

Can I support you in your development?

Looking for a like-minded, successful and skilled Birthkeeper to mentor you?

Whether you are a Doula, Birthkeeper, Midwife, Hypnobirthing practitioner, Yoga instructor, Antenatal class facilitator: your Birthkeeping can encompass so much more if you feel the calling.

I’ll be your companion as you progress and explore your full potential.

Life after Midwifery?

For whatever reason, you are a registered midwife in the UK looking for a way to remain positive, motivated and confident about a career of serving women and families BETTER than you have been led to believe you can.

Tell me what you want that to look like, and I will help you achieve it.

join me on instagram for constant inspiration and illumination