Further Learning

Below are some of my most frequently referenced and recommended articles, books, podcasts and practitioners.

I have categorised them both my information type, and also content theme.

If you have any concerns or questions about your individual circumstances then I would be honoured to speak to you on a 1:1 basis. Please feel free to book a 30/60 minute session with me here.

Have you been told you are in a “high risk” category?
Made to feel that your pregnancy is outside of “normal”?
Questioning the evidence you’ve been given about your risks/chances?
See below for my resources to support your decision making, according to your circumstances.

Finding a Birthkeeper

If you wish to find a Birthkeeper who is known to me through my personal community please see our map below. Remember to check with them which capacity they serve birth under as there are a variety of different specialisms covered by them.