Weekly Clubhouse Tuesdays 8pm

  • Physiological Birth Club

    Install the Clubhouse app on your phone to be able to tap-in to this free resource. Acting much like a free workshop/discussion each week on a particular area of childbirth, you will get to listen to the most prolific birthworkers chatting about their experiences and skills.

    Traditional birthkeepers, NHS midwives, independent midwives, doulas, hypnobirthing practitioners… we are all in here.

    If you’re new to Clubhouse, we describe it as a sort of Podcast platform where important discussions are happening, but where if you are listening live you have the option to raise your hand and ask a question or share whatever it is that you have to say in the text chat box.

    Each session is recorded within the app, along with whatever text chat was occurring at the time, so that you can continue to access it whenever you want.

    Come and lurk, or come and participate… it’s up to you. The conversations had in this Physiological Birth Club are better than any antenatal class out there!